Garden and forest, a journal of horticulture, landscape art, and forestry, 1888-1897. The first American journal devoted to horticulture, botany, landscape design and preservation, national and urban park development, scientific forestry, and the conservation of forest resources. http://lcweb.loc.gov/preserv/prd/gardfor/gfhome.html
Garden history, [London]: Garden History Society, 1972–. Cumulative index, v.1-27 (1972-1999).
Garten und landschaft, Munich. Published since 1890. The German equivalent of Landscape Architecture (ASLA)
The Garden. Formerly The Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, London. 1846- present. Note several title variations.
Historic Gardens Review:A Fresh Perspective on our Garden Heritage
The HGF is a not-for-profit organisation, which receives no public funding, and so is completely independent. http://www.historicgardens.org/
Journal of Landscape Architecture/ JoLA is the peer-review academic journal established by the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS) in 2006 http://www.jola-lab.eu/.
Journal of urban history, Sage Publications.� Online ed.: 1989 (v.15:2)–; available full-text via ProQuest. http://proquest.umi.com
Landscape Architecture Magazine, American Society of Landscape Architects. 1910–.
Bibliographies: Bruce K. Ferguson published a series of thematic bibliographies of articles from Landscape Architecture, principally from the period 1910-1979. Search the online catalogs under his name for a complete list.
Landscape history: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Wakefield [Yorkshire]: The Society. Annual.� Online ed.: 1979-1997; abstracts & tables of contents: www.britarch.ac.uk/sls/slsjour.html
Landscape Journal. Journal of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/journals/journals/lj.html and http://www.thecela.org/
Landscape research, Landscape Research Group. Online ed.: 2000 (v.25):� http://www.journals.tandf.co.uk/archive/c-archive/lar-con.html and http://www.thecela.org/
Parks & recreation, American Institute of Park Executives. 1906 to present. Several title variations.
Studies in the history of gardens & designed landscapes. Formerly Journal of garden history.Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis, 1981 to present.
General Surveys of Landscape History
Grounds for change: major gardens of the twentieth century, by William Howard. Adams, Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1993.
History of garden art, Marie Luise Schroeter Gothein. NY: Dutton, [1928]. Well-illustrated. European emphasis; perfunctory coverage of Asia, North America, and the Middle East.
The History of garden design: the western tradition from the Renaissance to the present day, Monique Mosser and Georges Teyssot, eds. London: Thames & Hudson, 1991. 652 illustrations, 129 in colour, and 51 specially drawn plans.
Landscape design: a cultural and architectural history, by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers. NY: Harry N. Abrams, 2001.
The Landscape of man: shaping the environment from prehistory to the present day, by Geoffrey & Susan Jellicoe. 3rd ed., expanded & updated, rev. & enl. ed. NY: Thames and Hudson, 1995.
Landscapes in history: design and planning in the Eastern and Western traditions, by Philip Pregill, Nancy Volkman, 2nd ed., NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1999. Includes extensive bibliography.
Modern garden design: innovation since 1900, by Janet Waymark. London: Thames & Hudson, 2003.
The Park and the town: public landscape in the 19th and 20th centuries, by George F. Chadwick. London, Architectural Pr., 1966. Covers the development of public parks in the U.S. and Europe. Includes illustrations and a bibliography.
Perspectives on garden histories, Michel Conan, ed. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1999. Includes articles on the historiography of gardens.
American landscape architecture: designers and places, William H. Tishler, ed. Washington, DC: Preservation Pr., 1989.
Gardeners, gurus & grubs: the stories of garden inventors & innovations, by George Drower. Stroud: Sutton, 2001.
Pioneers of American landscape design, Charles A. Birnbaum, Robin Karson, eds. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Contains excellent biographical essays about 160 American landscape architects and designers and their work. Each essay includes a brief bibliography. Illustrated.
The School in a garden: foundations and founders of landscape architecture, by Gordon T. Millichap, J. Gordon Millichap.. Chicago: PNB Publishers, 2000.
Clues to American garden styles, by David P. Fogle, Catherine Mahan, and Christopher Weeks. Rev. ed. Washington: Starrhill Press, 1988.
Dictionaries and References
Dictionary of art, Jane Turner, ed. NY: Grove, 1996. Not a dictionary, in spite of its name. Includes excellent articles on landscape topics. Bibliographies & illustrations. Available online as the Grove art online -Online ed.: www.groveart.com
Dictionary of gardening, the Royal Horticultural Society. Anthony Huxley, ed. 4 vols. NY: Stockton Pr., 1992. Primarily an encyclopedia of plants. However, includes substantial articles on the landscape architecture and gardening traditions of 12 countries or regions (e.g., 12 page article each on the history of gardening in the United Kingdom and the United States) as well as 173 brief biographies of landscape architects and gardeners (e.g., Roberto Burle-Marx, Thomas Church, Beatrix Farrand, and Hermann Puckler-Muskau).
Dictionnaire historique de l’art des jardins, by Michel Conan. [Paris]: Hazan, [1997]. Nicely illustrated.
Encyclopedia of community: from the village to the virtual world, Karen Christensen & David Levinson, general eds. 4 vols. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2003. Comprised of well-written signed articles on such relevant topics as civic agriculture, community gardening, garden cities, and theme parks. Each article includes a bibliography.
Encyclopedia of gardens: history and design, Chicago Botanic Garden. Candice A. Shoemaker, ed. 3 volumes. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001–.Excellent source for landscape design history. Substantive signed articles are illustrated and each includes a brief bibliography. Chronologies of of selected projects are given for landscape designers.
European gardens: an historical atlas, by Virgilio Vercelloni. NY: Rizzoli, 1990. Chronological arrangement with great illustrations, some color. Index, bibliography.
A Glossary of garden history, by Michael Symes. Princes Risborough: Shire, 1993.
Oxford companion to gardens, Patrick Goode, Michael Lancaster, executive eds. NY: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1986.
“Timeline of American landscape architecture.” Landscape Architecture, v. 89, 1999. A ten-part series of articles presenting, decade by decade, a brief history and timeline of American landscape architecture.
1899-1909, by Ethan Carr, v.89:1, 78-79 (Jan. 1999).
1910-1919, by Ethan Carr, v.89:2, 78-79 (Feb. 1999).
1920-1929, by Ethan Carr, v.89:3, 80-81 (Mar. 1999).
1930-1939, by Ethan Carr, v.89:4, 82-83 (Apr. 1999).
1940-1949, by Jory Johnson, v.89:5, 84-85 (May 1999).
1950-1959, by Jory Johnson, v.89:6, 90-91 (Jun 1999).
1960-1969, by Jory Johnson, v.89:7, 86-87 (Jul 1999).
1970-1979, by Jory Johnson, v.89:8, 82-83 (Aug 1999).
1980-1989, by Jory Johnson, v.89:9, 112-113 (Sep 1999).
1990-1999, by Susan Herrington, v.89:10, 78-79 (Oct 1999).
100 years of landscape architecture: some patterns of a century, by Melanie Simo. Washington, DC: ASLA Pr., 1999.
The Politics of park design: a history of urban parks in America, by Galen Cranz. Cambridge, MA: MIT Pr., 1982. Includes a substantive historical overview of park development and use.